Europa/PSB Silveri/Meadowlark kestrel 2

I've just updated my main system , and am considering the above 3 speakers for my HT system. I like laid back, warm sound from my system. I've a NAD T762 which does a competent job. I'm not a bass freak ... So lack of bass from any of the above speakers is not an issue with me.
So has anyone in the forum compared the three? I'm leaning heavily towards the silveri even though I'm told that they are discontinued ....

I have had my Europas for a year now and they do get better with use. You will pick up bass response and more depth to the staging. Not as pretty as the K2's I agree but a good stand can help. I bought the four post design from Sound Anchor and I think they make a great match. Do get a good stand if your don't already have them.
Also, I have upgraded my cables(both IC and digital) to Audio Magic per the speaker designer's advice. They work well with the Europa's.
Enjoy. Scott
I'm probably one of the few that likes the aesthetics of the Europas. Abbeydog has a good point that a nice set of stands does help, my Osiris stands certaily add to their appearance. I made a new set of speaker grills from 1/8" masonite stretched with black speaker cloth. I carefully routered out openings for each driver and one for the port so as to not add any reflection points. I must say they do look better.
I like the appearance of the Europa's art deco look. The wife likes it also. If you like the speakers now, wait until they break in. Bass and soundstage will increase. Talk with Roy for placement positions and advice. In my use, I have them toed in pretty good, play around with them a bit once they are broken in.
I hear ya loud and clear. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the sound that I would hear coming from those two little marble boxes would easily best my well broken in ADS double woofer floorstanders, but they did. I agree with the other post's here: As they break in the bass firms up dramitically, they become smoother and much more seductive. Undoubtedly the most "natural" sounding speaker I have heard. Wait till they have a couple hundred hours on them. Thats when you'll realise the amazing bargain these speakers truly are. Make sure you play them loud during break in. Glad you like them. Knew you would. Aloha and good listening.