Disappearing Speakers Sound Better To You ?

Do you get more enjoyment hearing your speakers imaging "outside or around" their physical boundries, or if you hear your speakers playing "more or less" directly from themselves ?
My Dahlquist DQ30I's sound a little of both. I'm sure recordings influence this affect as does the time and phasing of a given speaker. TAS mentioned this in a recent review of the big Sonus Fabers which brought this thought to my attention.
It is a relatively new experience for me.I thought my old speakers gave me some of this, but my present speakers step right out of the way. And, even then, this did not really begin to happen until I moved them to the long wall opposite. It was not night and day, but is impressive nonetheless and is my preference now.
Thanks for your feedback. Very useful. My dealer also sells Joseph Audio RM7, Revel M20 , as well as the Paradigm Signature line. I really would like to go through them because they will offer me 2/3(about $670) in credit for what I paid for the Paradigms toward these other speakers. I will audition these, but do you or anyone else have an opinion on the spatial quality of these speakers. Or, are there monitors(can't do floor standing)out there that offers this quality that I might find used for $1000-1500?

Thanks again!
Haven't heard that Jospeh model, but there others are pretty credible to my ears.
As far as monitors: There are so many...
Merlin TSMs
Proacs (1sc & others)
Totem (some of their floorstanders are smaller than most monitors1)
Von Schweikart (VR1)
Reference 3A
These are the ones I'd put on my list...Cheers,