How much burn-in for Soliloquy 5.3s


I recently purchased a demo pair of Soliloquy 5.3s, which I figured might have enough hours on them (dealer said he thought they had about 50 hrs) to sound reasonably good out of the box. Wrong! They sound absolutely horrible; very compressed, bass muddy and distant, treble subdued to the point of being almost not existant. At one point I actually thought the tweeter was nonfunctional since I could barely hear any extension at all. I hope I didn't make a big mistake. Anyway, I am hoping that folks out there with experience with these might be able shed some light (sound!) on what I can expect.
Hmm. I own the Soliloquy 5.3s and really think they are wonderful. I auditioned many brands including Magnepan, Linn, Dynaudio etc and picked these actually based on my setup.

50 hours is a very low period of time. Try 500 and you are in range.

AS far as bass, you are correct that the driver simply cannot move fast enough ( drivers I should say) until they break in because everything such as the rubber stops are packed in so tight. They naturally adjust to music as you play though- which is a good thing.

I played a gentle ocean CD at low volume for 24 hours right off the bat and that made a difference right off. As far as the tweeter issue... hmmm... I simply didn't appreciate anything inline with your decription, so I cant help there. I have the 5.3s, and not the 5.3is FWIW. Although mine were built in February 2004, the cabinets are from 2003 no doubt, and I know I dont have the newer tweeters that are in the 5.3i which are totally different it seems.

Well, hope that helps a bit.
I purchased Soliloquy 6.2's new, and can tell you they sounded absolutely horrible for at least the first 250 hours - bass bloat and muddy, indefined image, etc. I think it took a good 450-500 hours to sound 80% and about 600-700 to fully break in. Keep music running through them 24 hours a day, even if that means it has to play very quiet at night, it helps to keep the drivers moving and still signal going through the crossover...

After the break in the 6.2's sounded MUCH MUCH better than new out of the box. Hang in there and keep us posted.
Absolutely agree with comments so far. I have a pair of 5.3's that I got with about 200 hrs on them by the estimate of the previous owner who is a friend. They sounded like they were really holding back and very compressed. So much so that I was thinking I'd made a mistake for the first couple of weeks I had them. Then gradually they started to sound better and better. I'd say the 500 hr mark is a good estimate where they've plateaued. As said, be patient, and keep the music playing as much as possible. It is worth the wait. These are great speakers with plenty of range and clarity and a very natural presentation. Soundstage is very impressive as well. I think a whole lot of people give up on them early as I see ads for newish examples quite frequently. Stick it out!

Cody, I have the 6.5s and they also took forever to breakin. After an extended breakin, I still thought that they were a little lacking in treble extension. I was using Kimber 8TC biwired at the time. I called the owner of Soliloquy and he suggested that I change the speaker cable to something other than the 8TC. He said that the Kimber cables did not interact well with his speakers. He mentioned that the internal wiring of the Soliloquy's were Analysis Plus. I changed to a shotgun pair of Oval 12's and they now sound wonderful. Give Soliloquy a call if after a long breakin you are not satisfied. He is very knowledgable and helpful. Jim
I would agree partially with everyone here.
However i would go one step further,, and say even longer than 500 ;-(
I left them on for days and days and days,, well, you get the picture.
There really is no reason for this,, i got tired of them hurting my ears, so i bought a pair of Nautilus 804's

Well,, wouldnt you know it, i shelved them when the N804's arrived,, several months later my friend wanted to hear them,, they werent impressive still,, but as we sat in the other room with them playing,, we noticed, "wow those sound really good in the other room"
I dont know how or when or what, but somehow they finally broke in.
I would say they are worth the wait,, after you have waited,,,,

I noticed upper moderate volume levels accellerated their break in.

Good luck.