Thoughts on single driver speakers

Curious about these..I dont have Single ended, and would like to stay with Solid State..any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
"Full Range" cone drivers are not really "single" drivers. "Cone breakup" occurs, so that different parts of the cone are radiating different frequencies. Design of such a driver is more of an art than a science. The breakup characteristics of the cone constitute a crossover network...a mechanical one rather than an electrical one, and much harder to design.

The only real advantage (IMHO) of full range drivers is that the high and low frequency transducers are colocated. However, this is also true of a coaxial speaker, where the tweeter is mounted where the cone dust cap normally is located.

There are some applications, eg: speech, where high and low frequency response is unnecessary, and, for these, a good full range speaker is ideal.
Eldartford makes a good point regarding cone breakup but, if properly managed, breakup also increases dispersion, resulting in much less midrange beaming. Most two ways also operate the low frequency drives in breakup mode in the mid and upper mid frequencies. Sometimes it is beneficial to trade phase response for improvements in other parameters, but it does mean that most single driver moving coil systems are not phase coherent. At least not if you define it by meaning that the driver can pass a clean square wave.
Nothing's perfect. I like my single-driver setup just fine. I've had alot of the "more normal" stuff, and the single-drivers sound better to me, especially when using a low power SET amp.
I have become a big fan of single driver speakers. The Lowther and Fostex drivers sound especially good to me. There is something very, very right about the sound. What I like the most is how voices and instruments jump out at you, just like in live music. The speed and clarity of these drivers is also breathtaking

Currently, I have two pairs of Lowthers, and have cut up the lumber to build a large cabinet. I was wondering if I built the cabinet too large, but hearing the speaker that was paired with Audio Note Japan in NYC made me very happy. I will try both Lowthers, ceramic and alnico magnet, and probably keep the pair that sound better in my room.

I never thought these drivers were supposed to mate with solid state amps, but the Red Planet and Rethm combination in NYC had very good sound. Despite the comments that the Rethms have no bass, I found the sound very rich and full sounding.
Martin Logan CLS: Probably one of the best single driver designs ever made. A total steal too, on the used market.
