Active speaker, the future? or another fad?

Active speakers have been around for over thirty years so I guess they really aren't a fad, but they've never caught on.

I am wondering with some of the new computer technology and faster electronics if this might not be the time for someone to do this technology right.

When you think about it, it is a good idea. Rather than having any amp that is not designed to work with any particular speaker/crossover, the amp, crossover(such as it is), and speakers are all designed to function as a unit. The three of them are integrated and contained in one cabinet (generally).

Subtractive networks do more than trim the frequency going to a specific driver. There are many other detrimental results to the sound. If subtractive crossovers can be eliminated and replaced with an amp built to meet the specific need of each driver, it sounds like a win win proposition.

The question is; Am I missing something in my understanding or is the whole 'network' thing encroaching on our audiophile rugged individualism?
Gregm, why whould you go through the trouble of dissasembling a speaker, bypassing the crossover for the bass woofers, AND NOT MAKE THE UPPER MID/TWEET DRIVER(S) ACTIVE AS WELL!!!? This doesn't make sense. Yes, I can see the advantage of actively driving the bass w/electronic outboard crossover/amp combo. But, if you're going to do that, why not make the whole freakin speaker active, and use one outboard electronic crossover?! This makes more sense. Unless however, like I mentioned earlier you start running into problems in frequency response and such from the mid/tweeter by "ditching the stock passive". In that case, I understand leaving things "as is".
NHT is giving it a shot. They have a $5,000 full active system includes speakers, amps, crossover, and some exotic software with like 1,000 bands of eq. Speakers are monitors with the SEAS magnesium drivers and a separate sub. There was a thread at A-A a few weeks ago.
This systems is supposed to eliminate the ringing of metal drivers and other problems a passive system can't fix.
Good point. As you imply, it's a compromise of sorts.
The reason is that most of the energy goes in the bass region, so the biggest immediate improvement would be an amp dedicated to that region. As less energy hits the mid-highs, distortion is somewhat less AND more importantly, a good amp can control the system without being a mammoth and devoting +50% of its power to the bass alone (i.e. so much lost for the mid-high region).
I.e., as you go up the spectrum there's less musical info, so your average tweet rarely gets hit with more than 5W, and that's playing the system LOUD.
I forgot to mention the new Meridian speakers or the new Pass Labs speakers. I think the Meridian and Pass Labs is are a shot at a true SOTA active speaker. I don't know how either of them have been excepted, but Pass Labs certainly knows how to build amps, with a little help for the speakers... who knows?

If every connection is a loss of signal, and subtractive crossovers compound this loss, it seems like this could be a very benificial setup. If I could find the right product, I would sell my amp, speakers, and speaker cables! Active speakers seem, on paper to have so many benefits and few drawbacks other than the obvious lack of ability to swap amp, speakers, or speaker cables.

Has anyone tried some of the better active speakers?
what active speaker would you recommend that I audition. You seem to have a good range of expereince, and I have nowhere locally to audition, so if I'm going to hear anything I will have to travel for that specific purpose. Your recommendations would be appreciated.