Best Small Speakers

I am moving into a condo and wanted to get the groups opinion on which speakers you would recommend for small speakers that need a sub. I am thinking about Athena micros, Mirage omnisats, or something similiar. I would like to either mount them on the wall or on stands, walls preffered. Let me know what you guys think. Cost is really not that important.


listen to the totem arros, they are a small floor standing speaker that is about 6" wide. Amazing sound for such a small speaker. they can be setup close to a wall or corner. there is a pair on audiogon right now. if you want bookshelf type speakers, listen to the totem rainmaker or model 1's.
If you are talking Thiel, then you might want to throw the SCS3's into the mix as well. Many of them are sold as center channels (I own one), but as a pair, they are also very impressive. When I decided to put together a small system for my office, the Totem Model 1's were at the top of my list, but then I had an opportunity to hear the ProAc Tablette Reference 8's. These little (and I do mean little!) beauties are amazingly musical and have exceptional low end for their size. After hearing them (with Audio Research gear), I was hooked. I ended up ordering the Signature series, and I am currently using them with an all Arcam FMJ system in my office (keeping it British!). I wholeheartedly agree with the comment that the better the associated components, the better the ProAc's (and Thiels) sound. On the flip side, from what I could tell, the Totem's were more forgiving. They sounded very impressive with even the entry level Cambridge Audio components.
Green Mountain Audio , Europas period. Nothing better or as transparent for under $ 900.00 have been a dealer for these for a short time with a lot of happy new customers.
I would like to wall mount them as we have a great view from our new place and don't want the speakers to interfere with that. So that is why I am looking at the stuff from orb and the omnisat's.
The absolutely best sounding speakers for a small box (or even bigger ones) that I know of are from Helix, a German manufacturer. They are 4, 5, or 6.5 inch dia. car speakers. You can get them from Peter Lafrano at Every other small speaker I compared them with (I didn't check ridiculously expensive ones) sounded silly.