Free air resonance?

What is free air resonance and does it make a big difference if one tweeter's free air resonance is high or low? Would 1500 be better than 600 or vice versa? I am thinking of changing my Vifa's which came with my Hales T5's which have a free air resonance of 1500 or so to the Seas Millenium which has a free air resonance of 600.
Any explanation or advice would be greatly appreciated.
In the original design of the speaker, avoiding resonances is
desired for the reasons Sean, Greg, and Joe... have stated.

However, Tkwolek has a point here.

If you are going to replace drivers with drivers of a different
design - then you effectively have to re-engineer the entire
speaker system. If you are up to that task...

However, the original designer certainly took the resonance
characteristics of the original drivers into consideration
when the speaker was originally designed and made provision
for same.

Substituting drivers into a pre-existing speaker system is
probably an "iffy" proposition - unless you know an awful
lot about speaker design. It's not an "amateur's mod".

Dr. Gregory Greenman
While your point is well taken, Dr., with all due respect, I have upgraded tweeters many times, including this spring. Never with less than terrific results.

Replacing my Vifa D27 with the Scan Speak Revelators was a tremendous improvement in air, detail, not having the sound become irritating when the volume goes up, etc. Other than the money, there is not one facet of this changeover that took me a step backwards.

But, again, you raise a caveat.
Trelja wrote:

> But, again, you raise a caveat.

That was my intent.

I'm unfamiliar with your level of expertise - which is why
I stated it was not an "amateur's mod".

If you are a seasoned "speaker-mod" expert - then be my guest.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
Hello Dr,
Would you then reccommend that I leave well enough alone? I should note that an amp designer (the one who designed my amp in fact) replaced his Hales T5's Vifa's with the same Millenium tweeter that I am going to get. He did remove the .33 ohm resistance from the crossovers tweeter section however but he was extremely pleased with the results. What I am saying is that I am not doing this blind but following the experience of a proffesional who had success with exactly the same upgrade. The only difference is that I redid my crossovers(with success) and he did not upgrade the crossovers. I did keep the Hales T5's crossover's design and kept all the origional values.