Subwoofer and Von Schweikert 4 series

For music, does anyone feel the need to use a separate subwoofer with the 4 series or the new 4jr
It depends on what you're using the speakers for, I guess. I'm using a pair of the VR-4 SEs in a two-channel "home theater" setup, and with that rig I'm using two of VSA's VR-S/1 subs. It's overkill, but it really makes a nice difference in the impact department. In my main rig, I'm using a pair of the Jrs. (on loan), and I haven't even thought about a subwoofer--they put out some serious bass.
Let me further specify that, as you asked in your question, I find no need to augment the VR4 SE loudpeakers with a sub for listening to music.