Anthony Gallo Ref 3 - Bass Solutions with Tube Amp

Wondering if anyone out there has come up with solution to "co-drive" the bass module in speaker. I am trying to use CJ-Premier 140 to drive but want to enlist aid of solid state help for the bass.

AG's bass module still looks like it is 3-4 months out.
I have experimented using a hundred-watt SS stereo power amp, run off my preamp's second set of ouputs, through an HSU electronic crossover set at 43 Hz, into the Ref 3s' second voice coils. It works perfectly with my main amps, 12 wpc SET monoblocks. However, I get slightly deeper bass, and a very good blend with the Ref 3s, using the original pair of HSU subwoofers through the same crossovers. Good luck, Dave.
A solution like you suggest is easy. Purchase a used solid-state amp that has volume controls and one of these 50Hz low-pass filters.