Anthony Gallo Ref 3 - Bass Solutions with Tube Amp

Wondering if anyone out there has come up with solution to "co-drive" the bass module in speaker. I am trying to use CJ-Premier 140 to drive but want to enlist aid of solid state help for the bass.

AG's bass module still looks like it is 3-4 months out.
I received an email from Gallo speaker's customer service and she confirmed that their subwoofer amp and center channel speaker are slated for a January launch.
Hmm, received response through my dealer that bass amp is not slated until end of 1st quarter. Do any of you know of a SS amp with volume control. (i.e. who makes such a beast)
Audiosource, for one. I also have Parasound and Fosgate/Audionics SS amps with volume control, but they're far from current models. Others may differ, but I don't think you need the ultimate quality SS amp for this application -- my Fosgate/Audionics does a fine job.
If you acquire an active crossover with level output controls you will not require output controls on the sub amplifier.

I just bought a pair of these ref III's off audiogon last week. They are fantastic, and are getting better hourly.

My problem is I am running them with a digital panny xr25 receiver, and I am trying to figure out a way to power the second voice coil in an inexpensive way. I was planning on buying the new xr70 when it comes out, and using them both connected via a digtal output to power both voice coils of the ref III's.

The pannys do not have preouts. I cannot figure out how to send the second voice coil the 50 hertz and below signal. Is their a crossover or low pass filter that I could install between the panny and the speaker somehow, without using preouts? Those F-mods are cool, but I do not think they will work in this case.

I know that the gallo amp/crossover--when it comes out--will take the 0.1 sub output and use that, but that is not coming out until the end of the first quarter next year. Of course, the way things are going, the xr70 might not be out until then either!!

Anything on the market that I could use now?

Thanks ahead of time for all your help and time.