Any sonic benefits of bi-wiring speakers ?

Hi, I have just upgraded my spkr which is biwirable(Zingali Prelude4). I have been using Analysis Plus Oval 9 spkr cable with satisfaction .Just wonder if I got the same brand spkr cable in biwire configuration (4 spades on the spkr-end; 2 spades on the Amp-end); would there be any sonic advantages/upgrade ? My system :Ah4000 CDP(Amperex 7308,Upsampling); AVA-T5 Pre and AVA 350EXR Power amp
I really need your opinions and suggestions and thanks in advance
The link I'm providing is to the Vandersteen site. Although you own a different speaker, I would venture to guess that results would be similar.
Hi,Albertporter .Thanks for the link which provided info that I need .
BTW, some said biwiring the spkr would reproduce not as FAT on bass -just wonder if by that means significantly leaner-bass;yet others said the bass become more panchy and better extended . Since basically I am a bass-lover ; just be afraid of improving the mids and highs yet loosing the bass . I would appreciate your (and any reader)opinion and suggestions Thanks
There is no set rule on wether biwiring will be sonically beneficial. If Biwiring sounds better to the listners ear, its beneficial. If another listener likes the way it sounds better single wired its not benefical.

You won't really know the overall effect and effects on bass, midrange and highs until you try it and see how it sounds to your ear.