Do I have enough power for a good quality sound?

My system currently include the following:

B&W Matrix 801
McIntosh MC206 Power Amp(older version)
McIntosh Preamp (won't be using this in the new system)

I have chosen the following for upgrade:

Rotel RSX-1056 75 x 5, 7.1 surround receiver
B&W Nautilus 805 (for back)
B&W Nautilus HTM-1 (center)
B&W ASW 800 for subwoofer

I will be using McIntosh poweramp to drive B&W Matrix 801s and rest of the speakers will be hooked up to Rotel. Do you think Rotel 1056 (100w/ch when 2 channel driven, and 75w/ch with multichannel) would be enough not to compromise the quality of sound? I listen to classical music mostly, and the room is about 15 by 10. Need your help...
Try out 4x power you currently have on the music you're listening to(for the mains in particular) and you will definitely find out if you have enough or not.
The short answer is, yes, esp. for classical that has large swings from ppp to fff.
The most important thing is, why: in order to produce sound pressure yr spkrs use the energy provided by the amp, so more W capability -> better rendition of musical dynamcis before the amp clips (runs out of steam, as it were). In this respect, however, a 100/w/channel amp will add ~20db spl to yr spkrs' nominal sensitivity (if memory serves for the 801 this is supposedly 87db/1w/1kHz), while 120W/channel will give you LESS than 1db spl extra.
The ONLY reason one would go with a 120-150-200W/channel rated amp, rather than the 100watter is that the slightly higher rated products would "play" those nominal 100W (if that's what you really need most of the time), "BETTER". This is due to the current (ampere) capability of the higher "watt" rating. In order to spec the watts, the manufacturer SHOULD provide an adequate power supply for spec'd watts (or it's misinformation), so the PS design for the 120-150, etc W rating will be "bigger" than the 100W rated one.

Hence what Marakanetz seems to be suggesting in his cryptogramme above: you're better off having, say, ~400W power amp rating/channel, and if you did have that, you'd notice that the result is noticeably better (i.e. 400W will give you 26,02 db spl over the spkrs' 1W sensitivity, in text-book terms) -- if you didn;t cook yr spkrs that is, as few drivers can withstand 400W for more than a few milliseconds.

HOWEVER, all news isn't bad and be advised that yr room is small, so the upper spl limit you'll probably require from yr system will be lower than it would have been in a much larger room. As long as you listen to a ppp at around 70db, you be OK with the fff in Mahler 2 (Klemperer preferably)!
My power amps are in the cellar, so I rarely see them. Recently I was playing some music at about 100 dB for purposes of some test (details of which I forget) and I wandered down to the cellar. To my surprise, the clip LEDs of my three 600 wpc amps were flickering on the sides that drive the MG 1.6s, although the sides that drive the subwoofers were loafing (although the SW were playing loudly). The MG 1.6 are spec'd at 86 db and the SW driver is 92 dB. SW crossover at the time was 55 Hz. The system is adjusted to be flat to about 20 Hz.

In spite of the different sensitivities this division of power requirements between the SW and the mains is quite surprising to me. I was also surprised that I could "use up" all those watts and not, at least, blow the tweeter fuses.