Which speaker should I buy? Please help.

I am looking for speakers(less than $30K) to upgrade my JM lab Mezzo Utopia. My system consists: ARC VT-150 SE mono, EMM labs DCC2 and CDSD transport digital front end, vahalla interconnects and Kimber 3038 speaker cable. I do appreciate for your recommendations.
What size room will you be putting the speakers in, what do you like to listen to, there are more questions than answers now?
I use the living room as a listening room. It is 14X30 ft. I listen mostly to classical and vocal. Thanks for your comments.
I have often thought about what I would buy if money was not a concern. With 30K the speakers I would have at the top of my list to audition would be planers and ESLs. Not that I am the best person to give you advice, my system is only worth about a humble 5K.

But ones I would look at would be:

-Magnepan 20.1's with Mye stands - Under 10k new
-Martin Logan Summit (under 10k new) or used Statement E2 (used about 30k used)
-Sound Lab - as much as you want to spend depending on the model

What type of music do you like? Do you want a speaker to do 90% percent of things at 100% standard, or a speaker that will do 100% of things to a 90 % standard.