Acapella Versus Avantgarde

Beautiful horn products, both. Would like to hear from those who own one or the other or who have listened to both. Acapella is more expensive than Avantgarde, are they worth it?
I haven't heard the acapellas. However, I do own the Avantgarde Duos; I can't really see myself upgrading these now. I use them with my Platine Verdier, Schroeder model 2, Allaerts MC1B driven by Verdier Control B tube preamp with dedicated valve regulated PSU (soon to be replaced by Tron Meteor preamp) and Quad IIs.
I am very happy with the Duos. They need quiet amps though. They are ruthlessly revealing and will show up any noise in your preamp and power amps.
I own the Acapellas and love them. To me they sound more cohearent than the Avantgrades. They are worth the money.
Which model? There are several from each manufacturer. I used the Acapella Violon for a while & the Duo. I much preferred the Acapella.
As an indication, I listen to a lot of classical (and judge by it).
Nice looking speakers on the Acapella site. I never heard of them. But they look awfully nice. Roughly how much do these cost (Violon for instance)?

I've long had admiration for Acapella speakers. It seems you moved to something different after the Violon's - may I ask why and what advantages the new ones had over the Acapella's? Incidentally my preference is certainly Acapella's over AG's too.

