Acapella Versus Avantgarde

Beautiful horn products, both. Would like to hear from those who own one or the other or who have listened to both. Acapella is more expensive than Avantgarde, are they worth it?
Thanks for the explanation Gregm - I have wondered what would move one on from Acapella's - no answer yet then! Hi to Fred too - good to see that you remain very happy with your Camapniles. Despite bothering everyone, over a few years, I still haven't made the jump. My room would be too small and up to now my electronics not up to the speakers, but I'm getting there slowly!

I heard the Avantgarde Trios with Basshorns just recently. I thought they were fantastic. I have Sound Labs and I didn't think the Avantgardes gave too much away in the areas of transparency and inner detail to the big electrostats. As far as integration and coherency goes, this all-horn system is seemless at all volume levels.
I can't see how a speaker like the Campanile could be as coherent across all frequencies at all volume levels when it is using 3 separate technologies. How four 10" dynamic drivers could keep up with a plasma tweeter when volume levels approach 100dB SPL is beyond me.
I've never heard the Avantgardes in any situation that allowed extended critical listening, but I've spent a few hours listing to the Acapella Triolon Excaliburs. As I said in another thread, these speakers redefined for me what recorded music was capable of, and it took less than a minute for me to realize how much better they were than anything I'd ever heard. I look forward to a good demo of Trios at some point, but for now the Triolons are the speaker that dreams are made of. I don't expect that to change anytime in the near future, but of course I'm always open to other speakers being as good or better.

For what it's worth, I heard the Acapellas at Audio Federation. I have no affiliation with them, other than being an extremely satisfied customer (not of Acapella speakers, unfortunately... maybe someday!).