Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker

World class speakers cost lots of money I have discovered what I want my system to sound like, but I want to have money left over for better electronics. Anyone know afffordable speakers (up to $3,000 maybe $4,000) that will bring out all the detail, air, sound stage and life-like sound that I sensed when listening to kharmas or jm lab utopia divas or piega c8ltd. or dynaudio c4. All excellent speakers but surely sometimes a bargain can be found that gives you alot for the money. thanks.
These will do what you want. Winner of CES 2002 and 2003 best of high end for good reason. They sound amazing,like one judge said "the RM 40's sounded like other's almost 20k speakers", they do too.An absolute must listen to in the price range. The RM 30's are outstanding also but don't go as low.
A third vote for Tyler Acoustics. I just purchased and broke in a pair of Linbrook Signature Systems (1 piece) that he is selling as "used" (he has a Maple pair up for sale now) which will cost about 4K w/shipping. These are full range (flat to 20hz in my 19.5x13.5.9 room) very revealing (enuf so that you can very easily hear any up stream changes in components) with tight bass, smooth detailed mid's and highs. Seemless presentation and very inviting. The allow for a very full soundstage at low levels and allow great depth of image (if properly set up). No fatigue factor. Easier to set up that my other speakers. At this point I'm having a hard time finding fault with them. Highly recommended.
Hey there Newbee
How many hours did it take before you felt that your Linbrooks were broken in? What excatly do you have up stream? I have a pair of the Linbrook Signature Systems in maple and i was just curious to get your thoughts.

I think they really started to come together after about 100 hours. The 1st to the 50th hours were an exercise in "boy, I may have made a mistake", and I would reposition them. I'm sure you've been there. I've got about 300 hours on them now and they are just excellent in all respects. I have two different sets of electronics set up for them, one for serious listening and one for casual listening. The first is an ARC SP10II driving Sonic Frontiers SFM 160's (check "systems"by my moniker). In addition I take a signal out from "tape out" on the SP10 and plug it into a new PrimaLuna Integrated, which has a mere 35w per side. I purchased this for casual listening, i.e. short periods of time and background. What amazes me is how musical the PrimaLuna is and how well it can drive these speakers to moderate levels, especially considering the price of the unit. The bass potential of these speakers is not shortchanged by this amp in any way but I'm still playing with tube selection to which its quite responsive - as all of the tubes make a real difference the possibiities seem endless. Lots of fun!