Best Speaker Placement Rules you've used?

Thought a thread like this might be interesting. What have you found to be the best rules for speaker placement? Either in your own system and room or one that has worked for you in many.
Kerry, I've gotten a bit of mileage from the Allison rule as described in TAS issue 127.

There the author describes the rule as follows:

"The distance from woofer to floor, side wall, and back wall should be as different from each other as possible and as a rule of thumb, the middle-sized distance squared should be close to the figure you get by multiplying the largest and smallest numbers."

It's a very general rule but it's gotten me about 2/3rd's of the way there. Beyond that, it took about 6 more months of moving my speakers every so often 6 inches this way or 3 inches that way until I became quite content with what I was hearing.

I recently tried out the Cardas method which produced a really noticable improvement in my setup. It exceeded my non-existent expectation.