Merlin TSM-MXs...First Impressions

I just received my MERLIN TSM-MXs about two weeks ago, and I can't stop raving about them!

First off, the customer service provided by Bobby P. is outstanding. I don't think I've ever had this level of service from any business, so this is truly appreciated.

Packaging was great. It took me about an hour just to get everything unpacked. And everything arrived unscathed.

The finish...a work of art! I wasn't sure how piano black would look since I had never seen this finish on a speaker. Well, I am truly impressed by the finish. It looks like the finish on a freshly waxed Bentley.

As for the speakers, the music coming out of them is magical. Prior to this I had been using Aerial Model 7s, and I think my TSMs sound better even though much smaller. The soundstage coming out of these little speakers is amazingly wide. The clarity and crispness is remarkable. I'm noticing details in songs I've never heard.

Anyone looking for bookshelf speakers or good quality speakers in general should look at Merlin.

My equipment includes:
the Merlins
Proceed AMP5
Marantz AV600 (soon to be replaced by Anthem's AVM30)
California Audio Labs Icon Mk II
Cables are MIT 2 bi-wire and MIT ICs
all powered by a Richard Gray's 600S
not a problem, just talked to david this morning.
ao all of you berning/merlin owners, use the merlin rcs with the amp, please.
Hi guys. Considering picking up some m's or mm's. First, is there a difference between an m and an mm? 2nd is the difference between an mm and the mx only its finish? Am considering these speakers with the manley stingray in triode, what do you think? currently driving N805's. Should i switch to pepsi? I like the 805's in varying degrees but have become very curious about the merlins due to the overwhelming reviews and enthusiasm seen from reviewers and owners. I am reluctant to switch because i dont want to do all the work to switch only to be disappointed. I'm questioning wether my amp/speaker have any synergy. I dont know of anyone else who has this combo and I dont have that much speaker listening experience. I know the 805's with the right room and components are very good but still not convinced that I have synergy between them and the amp I currently have. Thoughts?
Dont you LUCKY Merlin owners walk past a Counterpoint if you see it sitting in a window.A great combo also,Mike is good to deal with ala BobbyP.Regards,Bob