Treatment for rubber speaker surrounds?

Anyone use any type of treatment like silicone for their speaker surrounds to preserve them from getting hard and drying out. Does any company make a product meant for this purpose? I have heard of people using Armor All but IMO that is not the best choice because it also can cause drying and cracking.
See that's the problem with all these Mdf speaker enclosures with Dupont Automobile clear-coat finishes. First it starts with waxing, then moving to the trim with the Armor-All. Boy do I ever miss the good ol'e days of particle board with walnut contact paper. ;0)~

Seriously, I wouldn't use anything on the surrounds. Stop worring, & just enjoy your speakers. As the only issues I have heard of are during lack of use when in storage.
I third (is there such a thing) the motion above. Leave the surrounds alone -- or, dust them with a soft cloth or duster fm tie to time.
If you use the right kind of product on your speakers you can probably get the surrounds unglued from the cones.
You want some sort of Ozone protection if you want the rubber/foam surrounds to last longer.
One of the tire shine products advertises on the bottle that it has "no petrochemical products'
Petrochemicals are the problem stuff in Armour all.
So anything with no petroleum based stuff will be better.
I would use a silicon product if I had cones.