Do Any High End Speakers Boogie/Rock? BW 804 Blues

Hello Fellow Audiogoners: I am interested in hearing if any audiophile sytems (speaker plus amplification) that can boogie and rock! What I mean here is a detailed but coherent and rich sound, not like a bunch of separate instruments that don't gell together. And not biased so brightly that symbols and highs dominate, making a thin and grating sound. I wonder if it is possible in what appears to be the analytical world of high end audio.

I'm a frustrated B&W Nautilis 804 owner that likes rock/blues/ok recorded cds in addition to jazz, classical, vocal etc, and I'm not interested in endless tweaking of cables/amplifiers/source to try to get these revealing speakers to sound good on a majority of my music collection.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Without going on too much, I'll just say that I second the ATC recommendation. Can play a delicate piano & bass duo before turning around to crank out your grainiest garage rockin' bootleg record with equal satisfaction.
Right now I boogie and rock with Klipsch Cornwalls, they are GREAT speakers, but I want more full range, and I found out about Reimer speakers here on audiogon. I am waiting for my Tetons to be finished next week, They ROCK like you only dream of. They are killer speakers, at a REAL world price, made right here in the US of A.
>>I'm not interested in endless tweaking of cables/amplifiers/source to try to get these revealing speakers to sound good on a majority of my music collection>>

You haven't told us anything about your amp, pre-amp, source, etc. What other components are you using with your N804's? No speaker is going to sound good with any, or every, upstream component.........which doesn't necessarily equal "endless tweaking". System & component matching is like audiophile 101, frustrating tho it may be.
Steveaudio, Jeff did mention his system =

Musical Fidelity A3 Pre Amp
Rotel 1080 Power Amp
Cary 202/200 CD
Harmonic Tech Truthlink Cables
You may want to add Legacy Audio speakers to your audition list. Both the Signature IIIs and the Focus 20/20 are excellent rock speakers.

Also, I like the McIntosh recommendation. I love their XRT-28s in particular, but they are bank breakers to most...
