Sonus Faber of Wilson Sophia for McIntosh

I have Mc 402 for M/L aeris I. Looking at upgrading to Sonus Faber cremona or Wilson sophia. Any thoughts please.
Fernando Nando would say;

Its not how you feel, its how you look!
and you look mahvelous!

Or where looking for good sounding speakers?
These are two completely different sounding speakers.
You really need to go and listen for yourself to decide if you like the warmth of the Sonus Faber or the detail of the Sophia. Both are good speakers so you can't really go wrong with either one, IMHO. The Wilsons will be very slightly harder to drive, based on the specifications, and will go a little bit deeper.

Also, if you have a significant other, aesthetics might need to be considered as well. The looks are radically different as well, so you need to figure out if the modern looks of the Sophia or the classic lines of the Cremona fit better in your room. (If you have a dedicated listening room (Lucky Dog!), this may be less of a concern.)

If it were me, I would pick the Sophia, as I like the Revel Studio, a very similar speaker, as I prefer the detail, since I listen mostely to analog, and pick up my warmth that way.

Good Luck in your search.