Speaker advise needed

Hi Guys. My current digs(studio apt, thanx ex wife) require neer field listening. Listening posistion about 9' from speaker plane. I'm considering Gallo Reference III's, Magnapan 1.6's, Thiel 1.6's (preferably) or maybe Spendor 5S. These top my limited list. I'm going to scan Audiogon for one. Listening tastes are electric blues, classic rock(Tull, Deep Purple etc) some jazz. Power will be PS Audio HCA2 and PCA2 with Marantz dv 9500 and still to arrive Sota Moonbeam TT. Any input appreciated as always.
May I suggest Sonus Faber Electa amator 1.These walked all over my maggie 3.6. georgous in appearance, the wife will love them. Seems like you have adequite power for them.
Thanks, I've pretty much written off the Maggies as they are placement critical from what I've read. My short list now includes Martin Logan Aerius i's. Any input on these? Haven't listened to Tyler's. I live in upstate ny so I rely on Audiogon, TAS etc for info.
I own Martin Logans on one of my setups.I have the Gallos on another.I would recomend the Gallos for your area.More range and less critical of postion.I would put them up against my Martin Logan Odysses.
Upstate NY? You might check Meadowlark Audio speakers. I own both the Kestrel Hot Rods and the Shearwater HRs and love them both. They have a very distinctively different sound though so audition is a good idea unless the used price is too good to pass up. If you contact Meadowlark, currently located in upstate NY, and have any luck please let Agon know as there have been a couple of posts by people who were unsuccessful getting in touch with them (myself included). Good luck.