laid back speakers

hi guys
i hav a bright nakamichi av-8 amp. i am looking for moderately priced under $1000 laid bacl speakers which u should not get fatigued after listening to..
any suggestions are welcome..
Vienna Acoustics. Smooth as you can get. Very wide soundstage. I have a pair of the Bach's that I am going put back in the living room one of these days. I am thinking about a Krell 300il or something like that.

And when you're tired of the laid back Vandersteen sound...

You ship them to Bill LeGall of Millersound! He truly performs a transformation of miraculous proportions on them. Hopefully, my friend, Vinh Vu of Gingko Audio, will chime in here to vouch for that. He runs Millersound modded Vandy 4s, and his brother has Millersounded 2s.

As far as laid back speakers go, maybe you could look into some used Dynaudio or Merlin TSM, older Dahlquists or Frieds, or some of the Totems (some of Totems can be bright).
B&W? Don't think I would ever call them laidback.
You could also try some Cardas quadlink. They can smooth things out a bit, add some fullness and depth. I quite like them even though I have more expensive cables.
Vandersteen, Just awesome.
I have 2ce sigs I was so impressed I upgraded to 5A comming in about 2 weeks. But the 2ce I haven't hear anything as good for the price they are really transparent and easy to listen to.
>>However, you are VERY wrong about describing it as warm<<

Hmmmm.....VERY wrong, huh?

From Stereo Times Review --

"the VR-1 captures a lot of midrange meatiness and warmth...the treble in general seemed a bit recessed."

From Enjoy The Music --

"Bass response, while hardly room-shaking, is fuller and warmer than any minimonitor I recall." 

From Sound Stage ---

"The VR-1 certainly isn’t bright-sounding...couple that with the weighty bottom end and a tinge of warmth through the mids, and it all makes for a surprisingly open and full-bodied presentation."

Seems I am not the only one who describes the VR-1's as sounding, "warm."

Either we are all VERY wrong, or this is just a matter of opinion-- and you are apparently in the minority :-).

>>or recommending it as a laid back loudspeaker.<<

Here's what I wrote --

04-05-05: Rsbeck

Von Schweikert VR-1. Warm, easy to drive, great sounding, imaging, soundstage, detail, etc.

>>but not laid back.<<

I did not call them, "laid back." Though the poster claims to want "laid back" speakers, I still think he should put the VR-1's on his audition list.