Wilson Alexandria X-2 with ML N33???


I waiting my new Alexandria X-2 from Wilson factory, and I'd like to know what is the best way to connect them to my system.
Now I have two pair of MarkLevinson reference amplifiers (N33 and N33H), and two reference preamp (N32).
Is it possible to connect Alexandria X-2 in bi-amp mode? (can I use two of my preamp in this case?)

Thank you for advice.
Thank you very much for your answer and thank you for offering the advise in the future.

Can the Watt Puppy 7s blow drivers, tweeters etc. or will the resistor blow beforehand? I do crank them. I feel I am only missing the last little bit of bass, but my Watch Dog subwoofer is almost here. I am reluctant to listen to the Maxx 2s or Alexandria for them leaving me wanting too much. This years upgrade path should stop me for a good 2 years. I don't want the extra temptation at this time. Saying that I will listen to them if I am around the corner from them, just no special trips to the dealer (it involves flying & making time which I don't have much these days).

I also might add, hearing the 7s one time started this spending binge. I just wanted that sound in my house.
As a WP7 owner the resisters will blow or show reduced volume and it is designed to protect the drivers.

I just got my Watch Dog and it fills in perfectly and I prefer this setup to just straight Maxx II. The difference is that the Maxx II's throw a bigger wall of sound, instead of the intimate exacting presentation that the WP7's throw.

If I got Maxx's I would still end up buying a subwoofer because of the ideal sub integation and the cut/boost filters on the Watch Dog.



Thanks for the advise. I was lusting the Maxx IIs. The sub is arriving tomorrow w. my VTL 7.5 preamp. I will post in a few days my impressions of the subwoofer in & out & the VTL 7.5 vs. the Placette (you didn't help me to not do the upgrade with your advise in your column, I am about to try the fully balanced approach, but my cable lenghts aren't that long). Next is to either change my last cable to reference w. mm or start playing with some home made jobs. I am trying homemade cables soon as I can always use them & it is inexpensive. This reference MM balanced is getting expensive.
I did the reference MM balanced and my friend did the Ultra MM balanced and yes reference is better but barely, I would have saved the money and bought Ultra MM as it was better than my older reference with XL balanced... and that is all I needed.. Then I could have bought the sub sooner. The placette is awesome but the VTL will add some air into your system (my dealer has the S400 amp and it is pretty amaazing on WP7's)

Chris I am waiting to post some comparisons shortly. They should be installed tomorrow morning. Unfortunately I have to work. I just want to make sure it all works & arrived in one piece. I am curious if the VTL is worth the extra over the Placette. I will find out soon. As for the cable, I was thinking of upgrading my interconnects to balanced transparent ref w. MM. Based on your recommendation I will hold off. I know I heard more of a difference on the interconnects than on the speaker cables. For me the change from Ref w. XL to Ref. w. MM on my single ended cables was huge. On speaker cables was good. My buddy felt the speaker cables had a bigger difference than the interconnects. I was the other way around. On another note, when I first upgraded transparent from Ultra to Reference the entire system didn't snap into place until the last cable was upgraded. AFter I upgraded my final cable "like bang, wow snap" everything just improved. This is why it is so difficult to compare just one cable in a system. At this point I trust Transparent to be a very good cable in the context of our systems. I am sure there are other better cables but the risk might be too high to experiment. Enjoy listening.
