Killing the Myth:Soundlabs with SET 845based ONLY

Guys and Gals
How many of you have been told or read that Soundlabs won't work with low powered SET (845 tubed only)amps.This is my first excursion into the new Galaxy of unchartered lands of SET nirvana for me.I have used manly push pull tubes (ARC,D150,M300)in the past to drive my Ultimate II's.Where have I been all this ask? I thought my merry-go round days were over until I heard these on Soundlabs.Granted you can't blast your heart away thinking you can move the foundation of your apartment or home .I don't listen at extreme levels.So, for those who don't listen at Super Bowl levels....maybe this is for you! Caveat....a Soundlab dealer heard this setup and said also this was some of the best he has heard them produce.I am sure he will chime in here during this discussion I can't mention his company or name.BTW,my speakers aren't the updated high efficency panels or upgraded models with new backplates either.Other notables....these were discontinued "modified" amps of the 845 variety and I haven't listened to any of the other currently produced maunfacturers.
So,here I am trying to grab that merry-go-round again...will it ever end?

Merry-go-round? Oh you need to buy a pair of Antique Sound Labs 805 DTs...50 watts from one #805 triode.

I'm using a pair to drive my rather-insensitive Quad 989s and LOVE the combination.
The Art Audio Carissa and/or Carissa Signature will run relatively inefficient loudspeakers as well. These are high current design 845 amp. The bass control and articulation on my highly modified Alons is amazing from just 16 WPC, much better than all my previous push pulls with much higher wattage.
Aren't the Viva 845 SET amps supposed to be synergetic with Soundlabs? I know at least one person here has tried this very combination.