Best caps for speaker crossover?

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my speaker with better caps in the future. I've looked into several options and I have heard that Auricaps, DynamiCaps, V-caps, and Sonic Caps Platinum are very good. Anyone made comparisons? Thanks.
Dear Draculel: I try in my speaker crossover all the caps in your list plus: Hovland, MIT RTX, Solen, Aeon, Wima, etc.

I do extensive tests with all those brands on my speakers and no one of them can meet the neutral balance and naturalness of the V-caps: this is the less colored cap that I ever know for a crossover speaker use: small and large values and if you have the money you can do the by-pass with Teflon V-caps ( very very expensives ).

If you really want an improvement on your speakers performance is that you can change the caps and the inductors, for these one I can recomemnded the Alpha-Core ( cooper or silver ), nothing come close to it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Rauliguegas, the V-caps now come in two flavors, Teflon and Oil-film(?). Which would be better for speaker applications? By the way, I've always thought about using Alpha-Core inductors. Any thoughts on what type of wire to use inside the speaker and speaker terminals?

Thanks guys for all your input. I figured the V-caps would come out on top for most applications. Too bad they cost so much. I'm not willing to put in more than $300 tops for caps. I'm going to have to take a look at the X-over in the future and figure out how much it's going to cost me.

Jeffreybehr, I have not had a chance to look at the caps yet. I will post the values in the future.
If you can afford Jensens, I can't imagine it getting much better. As has been stated already, caps bring their own sonic signature, but who could argue against a cap that sounds lush, dynamic, detailed and as musical as the Jensens?