Best caps for speaker crossover?

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my speaker with better caps in the future. I've looked into several options and I have heard that Auricaps, DynamiCaps, V-caps, and Sonic Caps Platinum are very good. Anyone made comparisons? Thanks.
If you can afford Jensens, I can't imagine it getting much better. As has been stated already, caps bring their own sonic signature, but who could argue against a cap that sounds lush, dynamic, detailed and as musical as the Jensens?
Has anyone bypassed the motor run caps with the relatively cheap russian Teflon .1uf or.057uf caps? If so what were the results? In a speaker XO application primarily,although feel free to chime in with your power supply results.
Breginato, I started this thread because I had a specific question. Now you're on my thread with a question that belongs on a different thread. I don't mean any offence. I would appreciate it if you start your own thread so my thread doesn't go off in another direction. Thank you.
Often, one should be pretty judicious when changing caps. They definitely add a "flavor" to the sound, and the direction they take the sound can be the opposite of what is desired. One should begin with the baseline, assess what changes are desired, and move on from there.

I have found a lot of the more upscale MIT cap variants, while great in many other instances, can often sterilize the sound of a loudspeaker, actually making things worse than the starting point. As you get into the polystyrene and teflon caps in general, this becomes more of a danger. Detail, clarity, and low noise, yes. Musicality, many times, not in my opinion.

The best everyday caps are Solen, SCR/Axon, and the NorthCreeks Jeffreybehr recommended. All are very evenhanded, offer a nice blend of punch and detail, and never sound harsh. When you get into smaller values (less than 15 uF), I like AuriCaps which are smooth and musical, and even better, the TRT-DynamiCaps, which also add spectacular weight into the mix.

Paper in oil caps offer a smoothness than can soften a tube amp's shimmer gone too far towards being like a spotlight in many a system.

I have never tried V Caps or Mundorf, though a lot of people are high on the Mundorfs.
Mundorf supreme /silver line. BUT, they are expensive and one MUST finalise the value required before purchasing. It's too expensive and not worth experimenting with.

Also, the differences between say Mundorf and dynamicaps and some of the (v. good) Axons, etc, ARE there... BUT: IME, the cap won't magically transform a Tangbang, excellent though it may be, into a Lowther PM4 or a Supravox 215 field coil.

I think good quality, "honest" caps make the difference; going (financially) overboard is not always necessary!