Speaker Reccommendation for Home Theater

I need help! I will be moving soon into a new home and my family room will not be able to accommodate floor or shelf speakers. Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of speakers to get? Wall or ceiling speakers? If anything, I would like to get small speakers that would hang from a rod fastened from the ceiling. I also would like to stay away from Bose, if possible.
Great! Any thoughts on B&W's MT 30? My thinking: this setup comes with a sub. However I already have a sub. Is it ok to mix my sub with the M-1's? My current subwoofer is a Paradigm.
I'm using a DIY sealed sub based on a dayton audio titanic 8" driver and rythmik audio plate amp. Works great with the M-1's.
With a name like Cabernet5 do you have some great under $25 recommendations? I really like Claret's, Meritage, and Pinot Noirs, but open to almost any red.


Quite a segway from audio, huh?
Nothing like a great bottle of wine and listening to great music on your system...

Anyway try these:

2001 Chateau St. Jean Cab. Sauv. Sonoma County $19.00
2002 Mondavi Cab. Sauv. Napa Valley $19.00
2001 Columbia Crest Walter Clore Red Wine Columbia Valley
Private Reserve $17.00
Score thanks! At this moment I am drinking a less than satisfying Bordeaux. I really enjoy wine, but spend too much time on this stupid hobby to learn any more!