How would you desribe Von Schweiket VR-4jr sound?

Or for that matter the Von Schweikert sound in general, particularly their newer models?
What would you, Von Schweikert owners/previous owners, auditioners, consider their strengths.... weaknesses?


I only heard them at the HE show in NYC - they sound rather "hi-fi" to me. But that's obviously a quick demo.
Dynamic and definitely full range. A fun speaker to listen to all types of music. Not anemic sounding like lots of the new high end clones. Better bass than speakers costing 5 times higher
I just bought a pair! The thing that captured my attention was how easily they disappear. You literally don't notice them and notice the music instead. The bass is amazing-and the complete tonal range is articulate-never harsh. You must spend a LOT of time setting them up but once they are man are they amazing!

They are very revealing, however and will not make bad recordings sound good. "What you give em is what you get"

As the manual states, “If you don’t get goose bumps they are not set up correctly!”
Snook -

I would be interested in what $20K speakers have worse bass than the VR4JRs in your opinion. Wilson Watt Puppy 7s? Avalalon Eidolons? Dynaudio C4s? Verity Parsifal Encores? JM Lab Alto Utopias? B&W Sig 800s? Piega C8ltd?

If so, I would strongly disagree with your opinion, as IMO, all on that list (the first few 15k - 20K speakers that come to mind) have MUCH more solid bass: extension, articulation, and slam than the VS VR4js. Don't get me wrong, I do like the VS sound. I have the VR1s and love them.
I heard them about a week ago in a dealers room, I found the base a little bit forward and heavier or more pronounced than I like, the highs were not quite as clear. Be great for rock. It was set up on an all BAT system, so tubes all the way, which matches my system, only I have Conrad-Johnson.
For the money, it is probably ok, I have a pair of old B&W 804 matrix, and the sound for me is still fine. Hope that helps.