Looking for the king of mini monitors under $1500


I am looking for a list of the best mini-monitors under $1500 USD new or used.
I am moving my main system into my bedroom, so I need a speaker that does not take tons of room, and can work well in most setups.

I have a few ideas in mind, but I would like to hear yours.
The speaker must be musically evolving first and foremost.
No speakers with glaring errors need apply.

Please let me know what you think I should listen to as well as WHY.

In reference to Beheme's 7/14 recommendation to a link to a speaker review thread elsewhere, I should caution that that particular reviewer has a *STRONG* bias towards Audio Note speakers. This is not to imply the reviewer should be ignored, but I think his reviews are heavily weighted towards that brand, and as such it is important to keep it in mind when reading the reviews (just like when reading any other reviews)... If you share his preference for Audio Note, then his reviews will probably work for you, if not, then other sources may be better yardsticks for you to go by.

For *my* money, I would spend it on Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors - 1K used (USA Built), Ellis 1801Bs (USA Built) - 1K used, or Opera Audio Consonance Eric-1s (Chinese built) 1K new -- in that order (but all three are excellent, IMO).

BTW: I do not mention the build country to imply one country builds better speakers than another, but rather to use it as a reference for duties purposes into Canada.

find an original pair of Sequerra Met 7's. They do everything the LS3/5A do but cost around $300. They have a much simpler crossover and are also more efficient and easier to drive.

Another option is an used pair of ARS Acoustica La-Diva monitors. A wonderful monitor that sound amazing.
I have a three year old pair of Sequerra Met 7's that I use for work everyday. One of the best "studio" monitors that I've ever heard. Simple, time coherent design.
How about the new kit from North Creek Music northcreekmusic.com the Pegasus it look's to be a killer George makes some great speakers and sure makes a great crossover . His parts are very good and speakers are well thought out. You could find a local wood worker to make the box for you . Marc
Yesterday I listened to a pair of Vienna Acoustics Grand Haydn with Musical Fidelity a3.5 integrated and cd player. The build quality and beautiful veneer finish is immediately noticeable. They use a soft dome tweeter with a new designed front port. It is my understanding they have been recently released. The sound was, as you expressed, "musically involving" to say the least. I have been looking for a pair of monitors about the physical size of the Haydn's. They are certainly on my short list. I would highly recommend you listen to them.