Should I or not

This all started when my brother came down for a visit. As it stands now my system is against the short wall. He believes that if I move it to the long wall I can take my system/sound to the "next level".

My current speakers are Paradigm Studio 60. My room size is 11ft wide with 20ft in length. If I do change my setup how far apart should my speakers be if my maximum sitting distance is 10ft.

If I do move my speakers they will have to be closer to back wall which is half window but are curtained. I was planning on purchasing some room treatments(sound absorbers) with my speakers in their current set-up. Will my curtains be suffucient.

Basically I'd like to know if I place my speakers against the long wall will they image better.

I look foward to what members here think I should do.

My room is simillar in dimension, I tried long wall and could never get things to integrate well. I quickly went back to short wall set up. I'm sure I suffer a bit in stage width but it is a much better sound overall.

Try it out though, you've got nothing to loose but a few hours of set up time and a sore back.
The short wall will help with the room modes and bass, but you have to listen nearfield. I would put my money on the shortwall, but you never know.

Only way to really find out is to give it a try. You never know. Good luck!

I would think you would have a hard time getting the speakers away from the wall and bad reflection off the back wall with the listening position so close with only 11' to work with. I use to have a pair of Studio 40's and needed at least 3.5' off the back wall to get them to image well in my room. Mine were setup up on the short wall. The only way to find out is to try it. Good luck.
In similarly shaped rooms (my own included), i've found that putting the system on the long wall reaps betters results.

Of course, every room is different... prior to setting my system up in this room, I had always adhered to the 'short wall' setup.