Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
To Pcoombs, I stand corrected, but I doubt it will make me judge them differently. I still believe they are unfairly priced. I have an entire spiel about overpricing speakers in high-end, but I will spare you and others. Does Harbeth make a model 40.1?? at that price??

Nevertheless, take a look at Devore's pricing; I am sure in his corral he has at least one $12,000 pair of boxes.
Sunnyjim you are of course entitled to you opinion that the Harbeths are unfairly priced.
In my case as I honestly preferred the $5695 M30.1s (UK made and imported thus causing inevitable extra costs to the US consumer) to the $26k (US made) Magico Q's I inevitably have a slightly different view as to whether the Harbeths are overpriced or not.

..of course I know its not really fair to contrast these speaker price alone. We shouldn't forget the Magico's do of course include the stands .
These speakers may have a nostalgic appeal to those who purchased their speakers in the 70's, and a 30 wpc Marantz Receiver was a high power unit. To charge this much for a box, wires, and to off the shelf drivers is pure commerce.
In the UK the 30.1 are about $4175 using google converter. I like harbeth, but the the import cost gives me pause for sure.
It's two, not "to", and if you knew even basic information about Harbeth speakers, you would know that they are not "off the shelf" drivers. Pure commerce-no, pure lack of knowledge-yes.