Amari ultrasonic automatic RCM

Looks like a knock off of the Audio Desk. The price is about $1400.Its made in China. Does anyone have any experience with this machine. just can't justify $4000. I can buy a lot of records with the saving. My VPI 16.5 is getting old and is not doing a very good job with lifting dirt that is embedded deep into the grooves.
Go to The Cable Companies web site and look at a record cleaning machine called the Hanss Acoustics RC-20. It looks like the exact same machine as the Amari, and they have it listed at $840. If you call them, they'll give you an honest answer as to how good it is. I'm sure they can send you a demo unit as well.
The first Amari shown is an ultrasonic machine while the other is not (like the Hanss). The Hanss RC-20 is also available for $740 at Kosmic - Another look alike is the Music Hall WCS-2 for $749 - These two are not ultrasonic.