Best speakers for $1500 or less?

I'm loving the Sonus Faber Venere 1.5 - better than B & W and Magnepan, from what I've heard at similar price. What else should I be checking out? Thanks!
I recently listened to Spendor and Dynaudio. Don't forget about Spendor, very nice speaker. I have the small S3/5 in small 11 X 12 space, and they are excellent. The one I heard at the store was a 3/1 R2, just a little bigger than mine. Very nice indeed, but may be pushing your price range if buying NEW.
Try to give the Spendor 3/5R2 a listen. They are in your price range. I had the 3/5's years ago and thought they were a great little speaker!
I would consider A pair of Pre owned Vandersteen 2CE Sig 2s they may catch you with their out of the box lower profile baffle less enclosure which is most likely what you like about small mini monitors.
Yet they will dig deeper into the bass offer a smoother more enjoyable in room response
add to that they are phase and time correct, Made in USA with great coaching on setup, support etc.
Vandy dealer for over 20 years.
Well, thanks to all for great suggestions. In the last month, I've gone to 6 different hi-fi stores, some 2 or 3 times. I've auditioned many - maybe most - of the suggestions here. It's so hard to compare apples to apples (different size rooms, different amplifiers, etc.). In the end, I narrowed it down to the Martin Logan Motion 20s and Totem Sttafs. I use the word "captivating" to describe the Sttafs, though I've learned that they're not for everybody's taste. They are truly a very musical speaker. A little weak, admittedly, on the low end, but overall in the $1500-2000 range they turned out to be my favorite. Love the natural, laid back sound, and they seem very fast and responsive. If need be, maybe I'll add a sub at some point. I will again say that no one should sell the ML Motion 20s or 40s short - they are great speakers for the price. I got an excellent deal on the Sttafs, btw. Now, my final challenge to put my system together - speaker cables! SUGGESTIONS? I don't really want to spend much more than $200. My amp is the Rogue Cronus (not the Magnum version), if that matters (and I know some swear it does). Thanks for being kind to this novice...