Dedicated circuit

Wonder how many folks put in a dedicated line for their hifi. I added a 20 amp home run years ago, cost under $200 and the results were incredible. I swore off high priced power cords after that.
I have three circuits, one at 20A for each monoblock and another for front end stuff. IMO, this is the biggest bang for the buck on the power side of things and way ahead of fancy cords, outlets and conditioners. Another popular upgrade is a whole house surge protector, which I do not yet have.
I had a dedicated 20a circuit installed with a Porter Port receptacle.I noticed a slight difference but not as big a difference as when I added a nice power cord to my amp a year later.
I have 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits for my system. One for the amp and pre which are plugged into a Shunyata Hydra 2 and one for my source components which are plugged into a Shunyata Hydra 4. I have an old house with older wiring, so when I had my service changed to 200 amps, it made sense to do this. I use a Shunyata cryo treated outlet on each circuit. I can turn my tube preamp all the way up on any source (with no music playing) and there is total silence.
Ran dedicated lines for system when I initially made the room. As lines were already in upon setting up the system never A/B'ed it with 15A lines.
We moved into an early seventies suburban above ground ranch style home. The town is mostly underground wiring. Before I had done anything I was auditioning the PS Audio HCA-2 class D switching amplifier. The clock radio in the bedroom was picking up interference from the audio system.

Having the mains service increased came with all new cable from the utility source. Code required losing the aluminum wire between the utility breaker and the homes panel.

From there I had a dedicated sub panel that fed both the two channel and HT systems. The runs were 10 gauge metal clad BX terminated with isolated ground (orange) receptacles.

For less than $800 the results were stunning.