NAD D7050--anyone heard it?

This is the first NAD direct-digital amp at the 1K price point (fully digital right up to the speaker outs), and I've been considering buying one to replace my NAD C372 and Rotel RCD-1072. I've talked to my dealer about getting an in-home audition but have to put that off for a little while while some home renovations go on--meanwhile I'm interested in impressions from those who've heard it.

I'm looking for (hopefully) an upgrade in resolution from what I have (I'll run my MacBook and Sony blu-ray player into the D7050) while still keeping the musicality and ease of my current setup. Also, I'm very interested in the low-impedance, dedicated headphone amp in the D7050 for use with my Sennheiser HD580s. My speakers are Vandersteen 1Ci, so the 50 watts per channel at my 7' listening distance should be plenty. The small form-factor of the D7050 is a plus, too, as my living room is also my listening room--not the most important thing, but simplifying my setup a little would be nice for the WAF (and honestly the SAF: Self Approval Factor). Any impressions from those who've heard this amp (or other direct digital amps) are welcome. Thanks!
If you order one from crutchfiled and decide you don't like it you can just send it back for a full refund.
Well, I bought the D7050 and am now driving a pair of KEFs LS50. The combination sounds great, although I have to crank the amp up to hear it at my normal listening levels. Detail is great and the bass is pretty good without a sub.

I have been listening mostly to jazz and classical music. It seems that the amp and the speaker match very well.
Tvfreak, can you compare the sound of the D7050 to that of a more conventional amp/CD player combo?

I'm still considering the D7050, but I'm not sure if it'll be a step up in sound from my NAD C372/Rotel RCD-1072 or just a space-saving step to the side.

JohnnyR--I bought my 1Cis from you, and my wife and I enjoyed our afternoon listening to the Quattros and Model 7 with you. Any thoughts on how the D7050 performs in comparison to what I have? I may just give you a call soon--I'm too far away to make the trip right now.

I am sorry but I believe I cannot do a meaningful comparison. My system consisted of an Oppo 105 linked directly to a pair of Bang and Olufsen Beolab 3 speakers with a Beolab 11 subwoofer.

The Nad 7050 with the Kef LS50s is a clear improvement. I am not sure about the audiophile jargon, but first of all it seems that a veil was lifted from the speakers. The sound is clear and warm. There is a lot of detail. Dynamics also seem to be very good. In short, I am enjoying the whole system very much.
I published this question on the speakers forum but got almost no replies. I will try it here.

I have been listening to my music with the Nad d7050 and a pair of KEF LS50s. The volume levels vary according to the source, but most of the time is between - 15db and - 10db. The scale of the volume control goes up to + 10db. Does anyone think that at the levels I am listening I am risking clipping and damage to my speakers? Or is there a reasonable reserve of power to avoid clipping?