Audio Research SP17 or Modwright LS100?


I just joined this forum hoping to receive guidance. I can usually understand the basics since I have been into HT/Stereo since 1998 so talking to me should be fine as I understand some of the technical stuff when it comes to equipment but am no pro.

I have always been on a journey in the audiophile world and recently got a pm from another forum stating that a preamp is a waste of money in comparison to a decent AVR because science basically dictates that in DBT, one cannot hear a difference and in reality there is such a small difference that the human ear would not be able to discern. It might be true and it might be placebo that I am hearing but I like the tube sound especially the guitar. I play a little myself and loved "Hotel California". I don't know the number of times I have listened to this but its too much to count.

I am one of those members that have an HT setup with projector but always listen to music in 2 channel. I know I have to eat my cake and eat it too. It's 70% music and 30%movies/tv.

I have PSB Imagine T2 with the AVR being Marantz SR6007, Parasound Halo A21 amp, source is NAD c546BEE and tried out to preamps. I prefer the sound a slight better with ARC but prefer the volume control on Modwright. I know both come with remotes but sometimes I prefer the tactile feel. My equipment is not the greatest compared to some here but I try to balance my equipment as well as the setup in the room. Can anyone please give input as it would be appreciated.

Sorry for the long post as I wanted to describe myself and my intentions here in this forum.
You've been listening since 1988, that's 25 years and plenty of time to have figured out what you like. Your ears are by far the best determinant, plain and simple. Trust yourself and go with what connects and involves you most while listening to the music you enjoy. It only gets confusing when you stray from that principle and listen to what others say that they prefer. This is a personal endeavor and selfish but in a good context of selfishness, you must please yourself and this will lead to contentment. I'm confident that you'll make the right choice.
-Great advice, Dad. Paradoxically, the more you get into this interest with reviews & opinions the more clouded can your assessments become. Try to ignore the price tags and just purely listen. "Only by keeping it simple can the most complex be defined." -Ahh, I think I'm starting to understand Buddism. Seriously though, I recently experienced that "enlightenment" is possible. A friend who has, by his own admission, blown through $25k worth of equipment, now loves his $1500 speakers. - Don't ask what kind of speaker or you'll miss the point (gee, this is sounding Buddist, eh Grasshopper?). Instead, listen for qualities, such as tone, darkness, detail, transparency, harmonics. They will lead you in your "right" direction.
Thanks guys, ultimately I make the decision from my own judgements as I discussed earlier that is why I ask suggestions and read magazines because I am not perfect and maybe have missed something. I do understand that more opinions could cloud my judgement but I go through everything before I make my final decision.

Some very good advice here and that is why I narrowed down to the last 2 preamps because I wall all over the map with prices.

I was told by somebody that the tubes will degrade the sound by around 800-1000 hours but I take that advice with much heed because maybe that person is a little more sensitive in the ears or setup. I have been researching from the ARC website that the tubes are biased low and around 5000 hours. Another person said 10,000 hours so I know how to filter certain comments but always appreciate great feedback. Especially from more knowledgeable members here in this forum who have actually have experience from tube gear.

I have auditioned all my stuff at home before purchasing but got feedback from reviews and forum members with the exception to the sub because it was too damn heavy and listened a lot in the store.

Although any more feedback would be appreciated since I am in the auditioning is almost over.
Lots of sage advice so far. For whatever MY experience is worth (granted, probably not much due to our systems and ears being quite different), I have an A-21 amp driving a pair of old Thiel 3.6s. I had a used SP-17 on demo at home for a while and absolutely would have bought it if the dealer's price would have been more reasonable. I ended up with an SP-16, which I like a lot, but the SP-17 was a bit more open and refined sounding. The remote volume control was more sensitive than the SP-16's too.

Good luck with your search.
Hi Jonathan,

Nice, love your setup and I understand your past situation with the dealer not being more reasonable and notice they don't like to move that much. But I am patient and kept bringing him down. I bought a subwoofer from this dealer earlier too. But I use the subwoofer only for HT and sometimes SACD. Looks like there are mostly ARC comments so I can assume ARC probably has great customer service too.

Thanks for your input.