Looking to add warmth

I'm looking for a solution to add warmth/richness or "emotion" to my rig. Currently the sound is what I would describe as dry/uninvolving, very accurate, but not pulling me in per say.

At the moment I'm using a HTPC running high bitdepth tracks via USB into a Wyred DAC2 being used as a pre to directly feed an Aragon 8008BB driving Philharmonic Audio 2's.

I would be spending money on room treatments, but my room is not very permitting. I live in a geodesic home and the living/listening room is very odd: there are few straight walls, its very open to the rest of the house, and there is a steel spiral staircase directly behind the listening position.

I've debated switching out the DAC to a PS Audio Perfectwave MkII w/bridge and foregoing USB altogether.

Or keeping the DAC2 and selling the 8008BB to switch to a warmer amp, or possibly go the tube route.

Or adding a USB converter of sorts to feed the AES/EBU input instead of the USB on the DAC2.

Tube buffer?

Adding a tube pre-amp? Or is adding another link in the chain only going to make matters worse?

Thanks in advance for any and all replies.
I agree with Clarles1dad on the accuracy issue. I never got that argument. I don't mean to offend either.

From what I see of your system, you should be able to make some huge improvements. The problem is what should you do? I understand your problem but there are so many different paths you can take to get better sound, you must have more focus. You may like a SET amp and horn speakers or a big Krell/Wilson system. Neither is right or wrong, but a matter of personal taste. In my opinion, you absolutely have to do some listening before you do anything. There's no way around it. The more listening you do, the easier it will be to narrow your choices down to components that you will be happy with.
I don't understand the confusion over Koenigr's description of the sound of his system. Components are described as being analytical on this site and in the audio magazines fairly often. Analytical, as I understand it, means accurate but uninvolving. You get all the details but not the soul.

Koenigr, I think the best way to warm up your system is by getting some warm/ musical speakers. Dali and Sonus Faber are two brands that I can recommend as being on the warm side of neutral. There are many more brands available at all price levels.

I can tell you that getting a PS Audio Dac won't get it done. A warm tube preamp might do it. I think you can get the biggest difference in sound by changing speakers, and it is pretty hard to warm up dry/uninvolving speakers with changes in other components, IMHO.
Read this.


Then read this


Get a real preamp. I don't think digital volume attenuation is there just yet, but I could easily be wrong.