Considering a First Watt F-4

Looking to get a F-4. Researched, I have a high gain pre-amp, however not much in the way of reviews. Any opinions, experiences with a First Watt F-4?

I suspect you ran into the difficulty I mentioned, that the F4 requires a very large voltage drive to achieve full power. This is a separate issue from gain. Some preamps are capable of outputting the voltage necessary; some aren't.
My pre-amp has 20 db of gain. How much output voltage are you talking about?
What pre amps would have enough gain and output voltage to make an F-4 sound good?
I know about Marks offer at Reno Hi Fi, How ever I would like to here more about the amp from all the experts in this audience before I take the plunge and get one.
I would go all the way and ask Nelson Pass himself all of your questions! His email is right there on the FW site.
You'll need about +/-20Vpk drive, or 14Vrms to get full power.

I love mine. Ths is the best, and most flexible, First Watt amp I've had--to include the F3, F4, F5, J2, and an Aleph J clone. A hint of warmth and great clarity without becoming brittle.

The often unmentioned thing about this amp is the size of the soundstage. Surprising for a ss amp.

I would not recommend using it with speakers under 90db. If you do, you wll need two for a monoblock configuration. Interestngly, that sound is just a little warmer and more tubelike.

If you have a statement or near statement preamp, tthe F4 is an HUGE sleeper.
