Remote volume control = unacceptable compromise?

Reading through some of the threads it seems that the absence of a remote control on a pre or integrated is a ‘deal breaker’ for some here. These are my experiences. A couple of years back, at a private listening session with a maker (anonymous ‘cos it really doesn’t matter who because the thread might loose focus) had 2 preamps identical other than one had a remote volume control and other was manual. Both volume controls made by Alps. Apparently these are among the best.

Using a digital source with twin analogue outputs and full-range speakers and a sophisticated SPL meter the system was set up to switch, using a Manley Skipjack, between the two preamps. At identical SPLs for both, the differences were clear. At low SPL, detail retrieval was reduced when the remote control was used. At normal listening levels the differences were slight and at realistic levels the remote unit sounded a bit harsh. Or perhaps the manual unit was less detailed? Hard to say for sure.

There was a difference. The amp designer didn’t prime us with his own opinions. The preamps were behind us. Switching was random.

It was a bit of a ear-opener for me. Based on this the designer decided not to proceed, for the foreseeable future, with a remote preamp. This was because of unacceptable sonic compromises. He pointed out that while circuits can be constructed by him with endless different component configurations, neither he nor his competitors were in a situation to build from scratch a remote control volume mechanism. He reasoned that his years of work should not be compromised because of the compromises made by OEM suppliers.

Some pointed out that he was missing a part of the market. He agreed – but said while acknowledging this, he felt his buyers valued performance over convenience. Before the demo I’d have disagreed. During the demo though, I changed my mind. Nothing has happened to me since that time to change back.
I went for a remote function on my present set up because I couldn't get that precise volume setting I desired on my older set up (that, and getting lazy). Despite my Marantz sounding great with everything, there's something I kind of miss with the Burson and its' stepped attenuator. It runs in Class A for most of its' power rating and has it's own, uniquely engaging quality that I've yet to hear from other amps. It can't match the Marantz in a host of different qualities but its got that something special going for it.

I've yet to sell it.

All the best,
Placette also makes a passive pre that can be used as a remote volume control and is not too pricey.
I had a McCormack RLD 1 (it replaced a McIntosh c15,also remote), it had everything you could want. Remote volume, balance, source, mute, power, HT loop, but as good as it was it is not in the same league as my Conrad-Johnson Classic 2SE. It is the most stripped down preamp you could imagine, only a source selector, volume, and power switch... but damn does that thing walk all over any preamp I've had in the past.

Since the majority of my sources are digital I just use my DAC's volume when I get lazy. Although the NAD M51 has digital volume and could be used as a pre it sounds much better in my system as a source component... but I have to say it has the best digital volume I've ever used.
The previous owner of my CJ Premier 3 pre amplifier has instaled a device that regulates the volume dial of the pre using a radio frequency remote. Do you guys think this compromise the sound quality?

Thank you!
I don't know anything about how a remote is coupled to a preamp, but the one on my integrated seems to be a motor in parallel to the circuit that physically turns the knob just like I would do by hand. The control is crude at low volumes, but I don't see how this could really have an sonic effect. My receiver doesn't have the same physical connection where the knob moves so it would appear that it is manipulating the circuit in another way and likely could be having a sonic impact.