Recommend an integrated amp, $800-$1000

I'm in the market for an integrated amp, new or used, with a budget of $800 - $1000. I'll be using it (for now) with a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 5i speakers, with the primary source being my Performance SE turntable. I'd like the option to add a sub at some point if needed. I listen mainly to 70's soft rock, jazz, and a little classical and country, all at low to moderate volumes in a converted bedroom. The only ones I've listed to at the dealers are a NAD C326BEE and a Peachtree Decco, and I preferred the NAD. What about Marantz PM8004 or a used Naim Nate 5i-2, or used Creek 50A? Other suggestions that would work well???
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Marantz PM8004. It's made in Japan alongside the Reference Series components and not in China. Try to find someone like Music Direct who will allow you to audition one.

All the best,
I second the RR2150. I've owned many integrateds and I will always hang onto the Outlaw. It is great. Above all the functions, it sounds great.