Integrated tube amp has no bass Cayin A50T

Hi folks,

So I just bought a Cayin A50T (used, but well looked after), I have set it up at home and found that there is extremely little low end. it's very very noticeable.

Im powering Energy pro series 3.5 bookshelf speakers so nothing too crazy.

I'm very new to this hobby so I would greatly appreciate some help. I doubt the seller will take the amp back.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Try changing the phase. Flip one speaker cable around, go from black to red and red over to black. See what happens.
Try a more sensitive pair of speakers. 93db or better would be a much better match for that amp.
I'm, not familiar with your speakers so take this for what it's worth, but EL34 tubes are more famous for a great mid range than extended highs or bass. This may not be the integrated amp for you and/or your speakers, or any speakers, if you want a lot of bass.

Out of curiosity do I assume correctly that prior to getting this amp you were driving these speakers with a solid state unit. Or are these speakers new to you as well. I only ask that because small speakers themselves are more often than not lacking in bass response. Perhaps it is a combo of a EL34 tube based amp and small speakers. FWIW.
"Not too many tube amps have bass"…please. There are tons of tube amps that have awesome bass. Nicdob, you have a great little amp that is very capable of bass, and I would NOT sell it. Exhaust other options first.
Agree with Sounds Real Audio; first check if you have one speaker out of phase. There should be no reason at all that you are lacking bass.