Mono amps and different length speaker cables

Wondering if there is any noticeable negative effect from using say a 3 meter pair of speaker cables to one set of binding posts on the amp and speaker and using a 2 meter pair of the same brand and model of cable to different binding posts on the amp and speaker. I am using solid state mono amps.
"I just couldn't imagine buying a single pair of cables of different lengths."

It wasn't clear to me either, that's why I wrote it seemed weird.
It's my understanding that if have two identical cables, one of which has a white jacket, the other a black one, the cable with the white jacket will sound noticeably superior. Anyone find this to be true?
I would add that in most systems there are far more important issues (isolation, room acoustics, mis-matched components et. al.) to consider than 1 meter of wire.
So much of this stupid hobby is psychological, I will always be aware SCs are different lengths and wondering if hearing differences instead of just enjoying the music. Therefore, always same length for me.

What if one cable is coiled or bent more than the other? Or one is an inch higher off the floor? Or if one is over wood and the other carpet? If one bends to the right and the other to the left? Well, that last one happens a lot:-)

3 feet difference and same cable? No way you will hear any difference my friend. No way. No chance. Never. Will not happen. Unless you hear strange voices in the night also?

Reasonable question actually, but near countless other things will impact your sound and this one happens to fall waaaay down the list of things to be concerned about. The condition of one spade vs. the other will have more impact.....look at that first. Oh no don't go there as life as you now know it will be over and audio anxiety will overtake you. No don't look at those spades! Just walk on by.....