Amp suggestions


I'm thinking about upgrading my Parasound A21 amp. I'm driving PSB 4 ohm speakers and my rig is set up for 90% vinyl, 10% digital. Units I've considered in the $5-6000 dollar price range include:

McIntosh MC302

Bryston 4B-SST2

Pass Labs XA30.5

I don't play at very loud levels, but the 30WPC of the Pass concerns me a little especially given the 90 percent vinyl.

Any other brands and input greatly appreciated!
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I would think given your budget you could get a pair of Pass XA60.5's used. Great Amps with outstanding reviews.

My friend has an XA30.5 listed here on Audiogon at a very reasonable price. I've heard the amp and it's sweet and in excellent condition. I think it would be a good way to go unless you want to spend additional money in which case I'd follow Czbbel's advice.
What model of PSB? We should check the impedance curve of the speakers; in the case of the Synchrony One, impedance can drop as low as 2 ohms.

BTW, the Pass XA30.5 doubles down to 60 wpc at 4 ohms.
I'll bet the Pass would sound awesome with PSBs and should have no trouble driving them.