ARC Ref phono stage.

I have always enjoyed the AR2 reference system phono stage at the dealer. It is always in the reference room, with Balanced ouputs into AR reference preamp. My electronics are single ended SS, Spectral Reference. Question for those out there is whether I would experience all of the sound of the phono stage?
Assuming that your turntable, arm, and cartridge are close to the level of the AR system, my answer will be absolutely. But remember that the dealer's system is possibly not like yours, so there will be differences at home. However, AR reference phone is very nice indeed. I heard it with AR REF 250 amps, REF 5SE pre-amp and Wilson $200,000 Speakers and they were wonderful. TT was SME's top of the line. Wow!
Assuming you'd be willing to buy from your dealer if you like it, see if you can get your dealer to lend it to you for a few days, then you'll be able to hear what it sounds like in your home. I see a few dealers selling their demos right now, maybe your dealer would sell his to you.
The dealer doesn't let the reference products go out for demo. I've always enjoyed it there, and my TT, arm, and cartridge were purchased as a demo from the reference room, so my set up does do well with it. Anyway, market tanked last two days, so I'll have to wait
At this price level it's ridiculous for the dealer not to allow an in home trial of at least a couple of days.
I had the ARC ref 2 phono and was thinking of upgrading to the SE version. I was investigating trading up to the SE but decided to try out some alternatives first. I was using a BAT 52se.
I tried the Allinc H3000 but preferred the ARC, then tried a used Dartzeel 18NS pre which has built in phono. I sold the ARC and BAT to finance the Dart.