What preamp between Burmester and Krell?

I am considering preamp upgrade. It will be obviouslu an used device. Choosing between Krel KBL line stage (former Stereophile Class D in the 90's), Burmester 846 (line stage) and Burmester 785. I am not very familiar with the German preamps, so I want your advice. The rest of the set up is Von Schweikert VR 6 speakers, Esoteric DV 60,s CD player, Audio Note p Zero monos power amplifiers and a phono as analog front.
Please, help!
N. Milkov
Kclone, as Charles points out he doesn't have a Burmester amp. Although he is considering replacing the 8 watt Audio Notes with Burmester monoblocks. See this thread.

-- Al
Al, thanks for the thread link.
Nik if you prefer the Burmester amplifier sound then it's pretty likely you'll favor their preamp as well.
okay, thanks for clearing that up guys. I like Burmester, but I don't think they are worth the price, thats for sure.
I would look into the simaudio evolution moon 740p line stage, or if the budget allows, the 850p line stage, LOL!, then look into the Atmasphere line stages, the Steve MCcormick speciality brand of the Vre-1c pre-amp, you will do your self a favor at doing so, I understand these are some of the top performers these days.
Just to make it clear. I don't intend to replace the Audio Note poweramps with Burmester. The idea is eventualy to use them both (all the 4 monos) in a biamping configuration. Audio Note for M?H and Burmester for more attack in the lows. That is why I am wondering what preamp will fit the best in such a configuration.