What preamp between Burmester and Krell?

I am considering preamp upgrade. It will be obviouslu an used device. Choosing between Krel KBL line stage (former Stereophile Class D in the 90's), Burmester 846 (line stage) and Burmester 785. I am not very familiar with the German preamps, so I want your advice. The rest of the set up is Von Schweikert VR 6 speakers, Esoteric DV 60,s CD player, Audio Note p Zero monos power amplifiers and a phono as analog front.
Please, help!
N. Milkov
I would second the advice given by Al, both in this thread and the other. Passive bi-amping is not easy to do well, and why spend all that money to use a fraction of the power in the Burmester. You might consider using the money aimed at the Burmesters to try a different amplifier with more power to run your speakers full-range (or maybe the Burmesters by themselves). If you're really convinced to try biamping, you should try to find a preamp with two pairs of outputs (I don't know if the Krell or Burmester units have that capability, but many preamps, including the Lamm LL2, do).
Being aware of the difference in the output voltage of the amps I was told by knowledgable guys that the gain difference may be compensated and adjusted in a way that for all the amps would be possible to be ran by a single preamp without deteriorating the signal. But, yes each seting like this will prevent the possibility of the more powerful amp to show its full power.
My point on the preamp was more a practical one--if you have one set of outputs from the preamp, you will need some type of a signal splitter between each channel of the preamp and the two amplifiers being fed by it. While such devices do exist, they can be seen by some as degrading the sound. My experience has been hearing a slight improvement when I used a second output from my preamp vs. using Monster dual-headed RCA adapters out of a single output (we converted an unused input in my Shindo preamp to create a second output).
Go straight with Burmester. A good friend that He've had the
happy opportunity to demo/own most of all top best
components of any hi-end brands (kondo, audio tekne',
shindo, krell, mbl, accuphase, wilson, acapella, taoc,
magneplanar) and now he owns a Burmester Reference System.
For him (and a lot people and very experts/music lovers that
are very close to the live music) consider that Burmester
System at the TOP of audio research towards the music, the
true essence of music with no coloration.

NEver seen or heard Burmester. Always like Krell pre-amps when I hear them. Downside is bulk and I worry about Krell reliability over the long term in general enough to have steered clear to date, though often tempted.