Bypassing A Preamp With Volume Pot In Amp

I see preamps as a convenient tool to control the volume of multiple sources. It only adds another link in the chain. It also adds to the cost of your system because you will need other pairs of interconnects and a power cable.

I was thinking about completely bypassing a preamp by adding a volume pot or a resistor based stepped attenuator into the amp, greatly reducing the signal path from the source to the amp.

The only detriment I can think of, is switching the interconnects from each source which is as troublesome as switching out a disk from the CD player.

Please chime in with your opinions and especially your experiences with this "issue".

The volume control I have in mind is the Khozmo stepped attenuator using 2 Vishay TX2575 resistors in a hybrid tubed/ss amp.
I recently posted regarding sonic dielectric differences including Teflon Neotech copper wire which I believe, also, colors the music. See post from 03-30-14.

You are correct about there being "more involved than just the dielectric". The TCSS wire is stranded and the Neotech is solid core. However, the 2 experiences I've had with teflon wire resulted in very similar or identical coloration.

I'm interested in the silver wire now. I might buy a couple of feet and replaced the remaining TCSS wire.
Where did you get the silk tubing? I would like to try the silk in place of Teflon or PVC.

Duelund wires use either one or two layers of silk soaked in some sort of oil. The Duelund conductor is a solid silver ribbon. I use the Duelund for both signal wiring and ground connections in my linestage and some of my power amps, and it sounds very good.
The silk tubing was purchased from Parts Connexion. Their parts numbers are: SLKTUBE-72530 (small gauge) and SLKTUBE-72531 (slightly larger guage)

You can also purchase bare copper and/or silver wire to use with the silk tubing. Let us know what you have concluded if you decide to experiment.
Thanks. I just ordered some more Neotech silver with Teflon insulation and some silk tubing. I have a spot for testing this on my outboard speaker crossover, and I will be able to swap several different wires back and forth for comparison. The samples will include Neotech silver with both Teflon and silk insulation. I will post some findings in the next few weeks. All the wires have to go through breakin on a jig I rigged up that lets me run signal through the new wire 24/7 on a dummy load in another system.

If the silk ends up sounding better, I will order more to replace the Teflon insulation on the Neotech silver wires I use for internal wiring in my speakers.