Debating between Hybrid and Tube Integrated Amp

Ok guys... I've got a lot of moving parts that will sway the pros and cons on a daily basis. Ive been looking at the following two scenarios and would love some feedback from those that know MUCH more about this than I do.
First off, almost all of my music is digital... FLAC and lossless. I would prefer to use my portable hard drive, plugged into a PS3 (mainly for the GUI and ability to control through my tv). I currently have a pair of Focal Electra 1007be and now I'm looking for an amp to pair it with. That being said, I have two boys (3&5) and not a ton of space. I have 14' ceilings, exposed brick and timber, so I won't be cranking the speakers too much. I mainly listen to jazz, classical, big band, lots of vocals (sinatra, ella fitzgerald, dean martin, etc) and classic rock.

Scenario #1 - Primaluna Prologue (all tube)
I will need a separate DAC, which is a con, because space is an issue and additional cost (device, interconnects, etc) Also, it reaches upwards to 200 degrees and that's no bueno with my curious kids. I'd have to figure out how to get it up high enough so the tubes aren't tempting for their little fingers. I auditioned the piece last week with my speakers and absolutely love the sound.

Scenario #2 - Vincent SV-237 (hybrid)
I love the idea of keeping everything in one device. I also love the idea that the first 10 watts are all tube before the solid state takes over. The digital ins are also a positive as a separate DAC is not necessary. However, I have not been able to audition the piece and am going mainly on amazing reviews. The previous owner of my speakers had a 266mk and thought they warmed up the beryllium tweeters rather nicely. It won't get nearly as hot, takes up less space and looks great, too. I've also heard it's a pain in the ass to replace the three tubes as they're soldered in. Soldering isn't rocket science, but I wouldn't want to void the warranty.

I'm really leaning towards the Vincent, but am having a tough time committing.

If anybody has some input, I'm all ears. I just don't want this thread to turn into "Why are you going with that... you should be using xyz". Also, my budget for the amp would be around 2,200 (including DAC, if needed.)
"I think you may be confused about this. The tubes are in the preamp, and the solid state amplifier output is biased to operate in Class A for the first 10 watts, then going into Class AB as more power is required."

That definitely makes more sense. I though he was talking about the amp section only.

"I also don't like the idea of the tubes being soldered in, as it would seem to make better common sense to just use a quality tube socket."

I'm pretty sure the tubes are not soldered to the board. This topic came up in another thread. In the sales literature for Vincent, they show a picture of a tube that hasn't been terminated with a socket. That's why they thought it was hard wired.
My dad owned a mom & pop TV and appliance repair shop in Brooklyn at a time when there were only tubes ... TV picture tubes, big radio tubes, small tuner tubes ... you get the idea. We were 3 boys doing most of our living in the two (9 X 12') rooms behind my dad's store and no one got burned from a tube. We may have broken a shop light bulb or two dueling with car radio antennas and radio dial cables were fair game, but you learned and not necessarily the hard way, to avoid hot things like stoves and radiators and running motors and exposed equipment on a test bench, which was often the kitchen table. Kids aren't stupid.

I own both the Prologue 2 (integrated) and 5 (power amp) and they run nowhere near 200 degrees. They don't run cool, but they are not raging hot, either. I have owned them for 9 years now and love their sound. Can not say enough positive things about the Prima Lunas. I use the PL 2 with Ascend Sierra 1 monitors and the PL 5 with Opera Platea floor standers. I can understand the concern about tipping over the speakers, my brothers and I probably would have tipped over speakers. Is there any way to wall mount the speakers?

I got my first tube amplifier when my two children were 2 and 4 years old (they're 24 and 26 now) and had no problems. They were firmly told to not touch/ bother and they didn't. You say you "absolutely love the sound" with the tubes driving your speakers? Well that's the intended objective I would think, and the direction I'd follow.
I would get which ever amp sounded the best or that I think would sound the best, personally I have no idea?
My point is a tube product usually has a cage to protect the tubes and if not something could be constructed and if placed in a location where little fingers can't get to easily I believe you could teach your children to not touch. Just my opinion but it worked for me.
Look for amps that have low output impedance, say below 1ohm. Some tube amps are higher than 1ohm output impedance you may find with these you end up with an amp that sounds bright without much bass or punch.
As these speakers have some nasty areas of impedance and negative phase angle to contend with in this area as the Stereophile measurement tets show/state.

Cheers George