$8000 budget on Pre-amp

looking for opinions on a pre-amp to mate with pass labs XA60.5 & Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers. I have a budget of $8000 give or take $500.

Thank you in advance
Bar81, No I have not demo the Ayre, and after my very poor experience with Audio Consultants in Hinsdale IL, I wouldn't even consider giving them any of my money, so unless there is a more respectable dealer in the Chicago area I've given up on Ayre.

Drubin, Thank you for the input, I will look into Music First.

Also had an opportunity to try the Manley Labs 300B that Audioorcale suggested and he is correct, for the price it is an outstanding unit, just lacking the tight bass control & micro detail I heard in the BAT VK-33.
No Guidocorona, I have not.
I think the VAC is above my price range, unless a used one comes up.
Does anyone know the real story of the DUDE preamp, It looks like the way to go but a little leery after reading about it on audio shark ?
There's a new Shindo pre in that range, and a Shindo Massetto can be had used if you get lucky.